Life A Royal Republic Day Rant 2020 A royal republic day rant on what makes us proud to be Indian. Is it the colour of our clothes? Signs and symbols? Or is it something deeper? 29 January 2020
Life Verse Betrayed By Them All A poem about a girl who was betrayed by every person that should have been there for her. 14 September 2019
Faith My Plants The Eternal Gardener As I graduate from keeping plants alive to propagating them, I realise that the joy i experience is not unlike what God the eternal gardener feels for us. 10 August 2019
Life Racing To Midnight – My Doomsday Survival Kit & Other Questions We are all racing towards death and extinction and that’s scary as heck! Here’s my doomsday survival kit and other questions that need to be asked. 15 June 2019
Faith Life Love, Hurt and The Motivations In My Life My journey of discovering the surprising equation of love, my motivations, what it means to be hurt and how to overcome it. 30 March 2019
Life Verse A Soul Shattered In Loneliness I wrote this poem to talk about that feeling of loneliness – a topic that is close to my heart. I’ve known it, and it’s a destroyer. 26 March 2019
Life Indian Election Commission: Why It Will Leave Voters Behind In 2019 When the frustrations of filling a voters application form make you think you won’t be able to vote in the 2019 Indian elections! 13 March 2019
Life Travel The Swiss Alps In Black & White A black and white perspective of the Swiss Alps from my train window. 16 February 2019
Life My Plants My Aloe Plant Had Babies Some time ago I wrote about How I Became A Plant Person. Well, a few months into this 5 February 2019
Life My Plants How I Became A Plant Person How I went from being a dog person to a plant person when I moved to Switzerland. 27 January 2019