LIGHT And Darkness

The answer to darkness is light! If it is too dark in my room before I go to sleep, I turn on a night light and; problem solved. That sounds simple enough. What if the darkness that surrounds us, does not go away by the flip of a physical switch? What if it is disguised as a crisis, sadness, fear, grief, depression, sickness, loneliness, poverty, addiction, injustice, disease, COVID-19? Which switch do you flip to turn on the light? Honestly, switching on the light is not always the first thing that comes to my mind – it is just too simple. First, there will be some complaining, lamenting and praying – very often in that order.
While in the COVID-19 lockdown, I decided to speak to the virus and tell it just what I thought of it. This sounds crazy, I know. As I wrote my letter to Mr. COVID-19 and complained about all the terrible things it had brought to us, I started to realise that in the midst of the darkness – there was also LIGHT! How could this be, you ask? The answer is in the letter.
Dear Mr. COVID-19,
You brought isolation, sickness and death to our doorsteps. You infiltrated our homes, thoughts, work, environment and economy. Stole our health, jobs, freedom of travel and our finances. Brought nightmares, sleepless nights, hunger and starvation to the world. Put suspicion in our minds and self-centeredness in our hearts. Targeted all of us; from the young to the old from all walks of life.
You changed our health care, school system, communication and way of life. You kept loved ones and families apart, isolated the elderly, closed schools, day care and churches. You name it – you closed it. Blocked borders of countries, challenged governments. Covered the world like a veil of darkness and changed our lives forever.
You came to kill and steal and destroy, but the battle is not over and you have not won! You have taken much from us, but our ingenious God has also given much to us!
What the enemy planned for evil, our God will use it for good!
God brought millions to their knees in prayer and worship. He united churches, leaders and the whole body of Christ on a new level. Equipped us with creative tools to connect, meet and fellowship despite isolation. Challenged us to think outside the box, get out of the exhausting rat race and step into His marvellous light. Ignited more empathy in our hearts for the poor and less fortunate. Opened our eyes and ears to recognise this new season and see the wonderful hidden things behind the curtain. Given us a glimpse of the glorious picture that we were created for such a time like this.
God used the negativity of isolation as a positively effective way to draw us away from the hectic world and closer to him. Invited us to take a better look in the mirror. Beckoned us to stop and listen, and really see what is going on in our lives. Called us to reflect and consider if it is all He created it to be. Gave us the time we need to recalibrate, rejuvenate and recuperate. Invited us to come, taste and see how good He is. Reminded us that He is the One who calms the storms and holds us in the palm of His hands.
God is awakening innovative ideas. Strengthening our faith. Depositing new hunger in our hearts for more of Him. Bringing barren things to life and birthing fresh things. Showing us that He is in control and never caught off guard. Directing us to venture out of our comfort zone and to step into the new season of our lives. Calling us to move from the shores and tread into deeper water. Telling us to let go and move into the newness of His purpose for us. Reminding us that when shadows threaten to scare us, that shadows cannot exist without light and that the fearless Spirit of God lives within us.
Although your breath has not yet been snuffed out, Mr. COVID-19.
We choose to, forever stand on the unchanging promises of God. The Rock of Ages. Our Protector, Healer, The Great I Am, who has even you in the palm of His hands.
❀ Angella Marie
Food for Thought
- God is all-powerful. There is no greater power that exists than the power of God.
- God is all-knowing. There is nothing in the past, present or future that He is not aware of.
- God is all-present. There is nowhere, we could go where God is not. He is everywhere all at once.
- God is with us and has everything under control! The presence of darkness does not mean the absence of God (see Psalm 139: 7-12).
These are unmistakeable truths, although darkness tries to convince us otherwise.
Getting Practical (How to FLIP the Switch)
- Faith in motion -> Believe it! Speak it! Do it! Live it!
- Leap into action -> Move it! Pray it! Sing it! Shout it! Proclaim it!
- Identify it -> Name it! Speak it! Fight it! Keep at it!
- Personalize it -> Own it! Rewrite it! Speak it!
Get a practical guide created by Angella to help you ‘FLIP the switch’.
😘 Danke für dis schriebe, wow wenn wird dis Buech usecho? Bstell jetzt scho eis!!! Gottes Segen und weitere Inspirationen from the Holy Spirit 👏🏾💖love you Angella
Angella Marie
Herzlichen Dank liebe Ursule 😘. Ich nehme deine Bestellung gerne entgegen. Die Wartezeit kann ich noch nicht einschätzen😉. Thank you very much. I gladly take your book order – the date of publish is dependent on the Holy Spirit. I will keep you updated💜.
Elisheva Shaw
Adorable Shalomie,
Proud of you for having made this portal to blissful living in the presence of the LORD. More power to you my baby. God bless you and guide your every step towards bringing in more light in this darkness.
Thanks so much dear Aunty Elisheva.